Clustering analysis in R, with factoextra and NbClust

I recently gave a small talk on some packages I like using for doing clustering analysis in R. Here’s a brief introduction to some features of factoextra and NbClust

machine learning

June 18, 2020

Clustering Analysis Libraries



There are many libraries and functions in R for performing clustering analysis, so why look at these 2? Well, they solve two important challenges with clustering: visualisation and determining the optimal number of clusters.

In general, cluster analysis is an unsupervised machine learning task, meaning we don’t predefine a target output for the learning. For clustering, this mainly means that we don’t know what the categories will be before we start the analysis. We also don’t know how many clusters are present.

Many indices have been created to help with determining the optimal number of clusters, however these each have their own advantages and disadvantages and often give conflicting results. We’ll demonstrate this by looking at the results from three popular graphical methods: elbow plot, silhouette, and gap statistic.


We’ll be looking at data from the Soundscape Indices (SSID) Database. This dataset contains data in-situ perceptual assessments of urban soundscapes, paired with acoustic and environmental data. For this set, we’ll be looking at the perceptual data only.

To collect the data, random members of the public were approached while in urban public spaces and asked to take a survey about how they perceive the sound environment. A section of the questions ask specifically about the perceived dominance of sound sources in the space. Sound sources are categorized as Traffic noise, Other noise, Human sounds, Natural sounds, and are rated from 1 [not at all] to 5 [dominates completely].

The data was collected across 27 locations in the UK, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, and China. The goal here is to investigate whether these locations can be categorized based on their composition of sound sources.

library(dplyr)  # Data processing and piping

# Clustering libraries
library(factoextra) # Clustering and visualisation
library(NbClust)    # Optimal Number of Clusters
library(RCurl)      # For downloading data from Zenodo

temp.file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".xlsx")
download.file("", temp.file, mode="wb") <- read_excel(temp.file)

vars <- c("Traffic", "Other", "Natural", "Human")
# vars <- c("pleasant", "chaotic", "vibrant", "uneventful", "calm", "annoying", "eventful", "monotonous")

# Cutdown the dataset <-[c("GroupID", "SessionID", "LocationID", vars)]

# <- subset(, Lockdown != 1)

# Set GroupID, SessionID, Location as factor type <- %>% mutate_at(vars(GroupID, SessionID, LocationID),
                                     funs(as.factor)) <- %>% mutate_at(vars(vars),

# Calculate the mean response for each GroupID <- %>% 
    group_by(GroupID) %>%
              Traffic = mean(Traffic, na.rm=TRUE),
              Other = mean(Other, na.rm=TRUE),
              Natural = mean(Natural, na.rm=TRUE),
              Human = mean(Human, na.rm=TRUE),
              # pleasant = mean(pleasant, na.rm = TRUE),
              # chaotic = mean(chaotic, na.rm = TRUE),
              # vibrant = mean(vibrant, na.rm = TRUE),
              # uneventful = mean(uneventful, na.rm = TRUE),
              # calm = mean(calm, na.rm = TRUE),
              # annoying = mean(annoying, na.rm = TRUE),
              # eventful = mean(eventful, na.rm = TRUE),
              # monotonous = mean(monotonous, na.rm = TRUE),
              LocationID = LocationID[1])

#$LocationID <- unique([c('GroupID', 'LocationID')])['LocationID'] <- na.omit(

GroupID Traffic Other Natural Human LocationID
AM01 1 3.0 1.0 4.000000 SanMarco
AM02 2 1.5 3.5 4.000000 SanMarco
AM03 1 1.0 2.0 4.666667 SanMarco
AM05 2 2.0 3.0 1.000000 SanMarco
AM06 1 4.0 1.5 3.500000 SanMarco
AM07 1 1.0 4.0 4.000000 SanMarco

Our locations are:

 [1] "CamdenTown"         "EustonTap"          "MarchmontGarden"   
 [4] "MonumentoGaribaldi" "PancrasLock"        "RegentsParkFields" 
 [7] "RegentsParkJapan"   "RussellSq"          "SanMarco"          
[10] "StPaulsCross"       "StPaulsRow"         "TateModern"        
[13] "TorringtonSq"      

Calculate the mean value for each Location

Note: If the data use different scales, they should always be standardised before clustering. In this case, all of the data are on the same scale, so we don’t need to worry.

means <- aggregate([c(vars)], by=list($LocationID), FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
means <- data.frame(means[, -1], row.names = means[, 1])

Traffic Other Natural Human
CamdenTown 3.787745 2.652941 1.316667 3.219608
EustonTap 3.717857 2.858929 1.642262 2.515476
MarchmontGarden 2.663542 2.412500 2.564583 2.695833
MonumentoGaribaldi 1.903509 1.885965 2.982456 3.254386
PancrasLock 2.457500 3.144167 2.391667 2.453333
RegentsParkFields 2.422886 1.911692 3.148010 2.866915
RegentsParkJapan 1.867179 1.528718 3.974103 2.450000
RussellSq 2.668120 2.027132 3.334302 2.987403
SanMarco 1.431852 1.895926 2.230370 4.041852
StPaulsCross 2.503704 2.000000 2.266667 3.311111
StPaulsRow 2.527132 2.294574 1.744186 3.368217
TateModern 2.541667 2.150833 2.598333 3.660833
TorringtonSq 3.230676 2.848068 1.957005 3.269565

Clustering Analysis

Some standard, single indices

Elbow plot (within-sum-of-squares), Silhouette, Gap statistic

fviz_nbclust(means, hcut, method="wss", ggtheme = theme_bw())

fviz_nbclust(means, hcut, method="silhouette", ggtheme = theme_bw())

fviz_nbclust(means, hcut, method="gap_stat", ggtheme=theme_bw())

As we can see, it can be less than obvious how to interpret some of these - where exactly is the ‘elbow’ in the elbow plot? Silhouette pretty clearly says k = 2, but the Gap stat gives k = 1, which isn’t very useful. How do we know which is right?

30 indices using NbClust


indices = c("kl", "ch", "ccc", "cindex", "db", "silhouette", "duda", "pseudot2", "ratkowsky", "ptbiserial", "gap", "mcclain", "gamma", "gplus", "tau","sdindex", "sdbw")
res <- NbClust(data = means, distance='euclidean', = 2,, method="ward.D2", index = "alllong")
Warning in pf(beale, pp, df2): NaNs produced

*** : The Hubert index is a graphical method of determining the number of clusters.
                In the plot of Hubert index, we seek a significant knee that corresponds to a 
                significant increase of the value of the measure i.e the significant peak in Hubert
                index second differences plot. 

*** : The D index is a graphical method of determining the number of clusters. 
                In the plot of D index, we seek a significant knee (the significant peak in Dindex
                second differences plot) that corresponds to a significant increase of the value of
                the measure. 
* Among all indices:                                                
* 9 proposed 2 as the best number of clusters 
* 4 proposed 3 as the best number of clusters 
* 2 proposed 4 as the best number of clusters 
* 1 proposed 5 as the best number of clusters 
* 4 proposed 6 as the best number of clusters 
* 1 proposed 7 as the best number of clusters 
* 2 proposed 8 as the best number of clusters 
* 5 proposed 9 as the best number of clusters 

                   ***** Conclusion *****                            
* According to the majority rule, the best number of clusters is  2 
KL CH Hartigan CCC Scott Marriot TrCovW TraceW Friedman Rubin Cindex DB Silhouette Duda Pseudot2 Beale Ratkowsky Ball Ptbiserial Gap Frey McClain Gamma Gplus Tau Dunn Hubert SDindex Dindex SDbw
2 1.0970 8.1449 6.0597 7.5851 102.6537 30.2615 13.4952 10.1742 351.3546 36.9377 0.4269 0.8174 0.3529 0.6156 4.9946 1.3398 0.3840 5.0871 0.5020 -0.9326 1.0370 0.4096 0.5903 3.7821 10.8974 0.3539 0.0753 2.5622 0.8042 0.4459
3 1.1005 8.4961 5.2330 6.3990 119.6026 18.4865 5.5195 6.5603 404.1006 57.2860 0.3951 1.0948 0.2818 0.4299 5.3038 2.5609 0.4103 2.1868 0.4710 -1.6230 0.2765 1.3913 0.6265 3.1026 10.4103 0.3626 0.0800 2.8643 0.6523 0.3387
4 1.6303 9.3352 3.5123 5.9285 136.6838 8.8328 2.0114 4.3066 514.5025 87.2635 0.5492 0.8335 0.3286 2.5977 -1.2301 -0.9899 0.4303 1.0767 0.4840 -1.8404 0.2171 2.0924 0.7560 1.5513 9.6154 0.5689 0.0773 2.4025 0.5465 0.2559
5 0.8819 9.4327 4.1056 5.4008 150.1412 4.9017 0.9988 3.0977 615.3276 121.3182 0.5171 0.6492 0.4032 2.6324 -1.2402 -0.9981 0.4026 0.6195 0.4854 -2.3510 0.1834 2.4726 0.8391 0.8718 9.0897 0.6139 0.0863 2.3482 0.4455 0.1689
6 2.4474 10.7100 1.9565 5.2900 170.5431 1.4694 0.3679 2.0471 969.8285 183.5792 0.5973 0.5852 0.4719 1.8668 -0.4643 -0.5605 0.3812 0.3412 0.4830 -2.4797 0.5241 2.9403 0.9529 0.2051 8.3077 0.8559 0.1062 2.4432 0.3528 0.1185
7 0.9458 10.0676 1.9696 4.5460 183.1309 0.7595 0.2213 1.5999 1194.4928 234.8889 0.5305 0.5508 0.4589 3.4939 -0.7138 -0.8616 0.3578 0.2286 0.4476 -2.9193 0.8670 3.6092 0.9643 0.1282 6.9231 0.8905 0.1153 3.0849 0.2980 0.0970
8 0.9554 9.7863 2.1072 4.5678 213.5276 0.0957 0.1542 1.2045 3652.8265 311.9964 0.4860 0.4826 0.5005 3.0804 -0.6754 -0.8152 0.3386 0.1506 0.3947 -3.0908 0.5258 4.8153 0.9537 0.1282 5.2821 0.7320 0.1161 3.2357 0.2402 0.0697
9 0.9437 9.9481 2.5926 3.7773 235.4352 0.0225 0.0873 0.8474 6052.3637 443.4830 0.4147 0.4100 0.5619 4.7507 0.0000 0.0000 0.3219 0.0942 0.3339 -3.4867 0.1666 7.0102 0.9662 0.0641 3.6667 0.7386 0.1163 3.4232 0.1907 0.0490
CritValue_Duda CritValue_PseudoT2 Fvalue_Beale CritValue_Gap
2 0.2019 31.6230 0.2766 0.7534
3 0.0160 246.4030 0.0787 0.2949
4 -0.1694 -13.8056 1.0000 0.6048
5 -0.1694 -13.8056 1.0000 0.2346
6 -0.3257 -4.0703 1.0000 0.5672
7 -0.3257 -4.0703 1.0000 0.3163
8 -0.3257 -4.0703 1.0000 0.5663
9 -0.5879 0.0000 NaN 0.3864
KL CH Hartigan CCC Scott Marriot TrCovW TraceW Friedman Rubin Cindex DB Silhouette Duda PseudoT2 Beale Ratkowsky Ball PtBiserial Gap Frey McClain Gamma Gplus Tau Dunn Hubert SDindex Dindex SDbw
Number_clusters 6.0000 6.00 6.0000 2.0000 8.0000 4.0000 3.0000 3.0000 8.000 6.0000 3.0000 9.00 9.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000 3.0000 2.000 2.0000 2.000 2.0000 9.0000 9.0000 2.0000 7.0000 0 5.0000 0 9.000
Value_Index 2.4474 10.71 2.1492 7.5851 30.3968 5.7226 7.9756 1.3603 2458.334 -10.9512 0.3951 0.41 0.5619 0.6156 4.9946 1.3398 0.4303 2.9003 0.502 -0.9326 1.037 0.4096 0.9662 0.0641 10.8974 0.8905 0 2.3482 0 0.049
CamdenTown 1
EustonTap 1
MarchmontGarden 2
MonumentoGaribaldi 2
PancrasLock 2
RegentsParkFields 2
RegentsParkJapan 2
RussellSq 2
SanMarco 2
StPaulsCross 2
StPaulsRow 2
TateModern 2
TorringtonSq 1
Error in if (class(best_nc) == "numeric") print(best_nc) else if (class(best_nc) == : the condition has length > 1
k = 2 <- kmeans(means, k)
Error in cannot coerce class '"kmeans"' to a data.frame
fviz_cluster(, means, repel=TRUE, ggtheme = theme_bw())

res.pca <- prcomp(means, scale=TRUE)
facto_summarize(res.pca, "var")
           name      Dim.1      Dim.2     coord      cos2  contrib
Traffic Traffic -0.8891690 -0.1531570 0.8140785 0.8140785 22.70701
Other     Other -0.9153206 -0.1088317 0.8496561 0.8496561 23.69937
Natural Natural  0.8316428 -0.5046107 0.9462617 0.9462617 26.39398
Human     Human  0.1897201  0.9690987 0.9751460 0.9751460 27.19965
fviz_contrib(res.pca, "var")

fit <- eclust(means, "kmeans", k=k)

Code <- eclust(means, "hclust", k=k, stand = T, hc_method = "ward.D2")
Warning: The `<scale>` argument of `guides()` cannot be `FALSE`. Use "none" instead as
of ggplot2 3.3.4.
ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the factoextra package.
  Please report the issue at <>.
fviz_dend(, labels_track_height = 2.5, horiz=TRUE, rect = TRUE, cex = 0.5)

Methods I haven’t really tested out thoroughly

fviz_pca_biplot(res.pca, repel=T,ggtheme = theme_bw())


Silhouette (Si) analysis is a cluster validation approach that measures how well an observation is clustered and it estimates the average distance between clusters.


  • Observations with a large silhouette Si (almost 1) are very well clustered
  • A small Si (around 0) means that the observation lies between two clusters
  • Observations with a negative Si are probably placed in the wrong cluster
  cluster size ave.sil.width
1       1    5          0.32
2       2    8          0.32


Before applying cluster methods, the first step is to assess whether the data is clusterable, a process defined as the assessing of clustering tendency. get_clust_tendency() assesses clustering tendency using Hopkins’ statistic and a visual approach.


Hopkins Statistic: If the value of Hopkins statistic is close to 1 (far above 0.5), then we can conclude that the dataset is significantly clusterable.

[1] 0.6977892




BibTeX citation:
  author = {Mitchell, Andrew},
  title = {Clustering Analysis in {R,} with `Factoextra` and
  date = {2020-06-18},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Mitchell, Andrew. 2020. “Clustering Analysis in R, with `Factoextra` and `NbClust`.” June 18, 2020.